Thursday, February 18, 2010

living room 2.0

the lovely before/during shot.

so we finally managed to put up crown moulding in the living room. it required a trip to lowe's, truck rental (12 ft pieces just won't fit in the jetta, unfortunately), and some patient painting to get all the detailed dental work in the moulding covered. painful, but worth it in the end. the room looks much more finished. it only took us a few months to do it...after we did the dining room and bathroom. just the bedrooms, mini hallway, and entryway to go. and then, when we eventually tackle the kitchen, there will be that. but today, we are victorious. we have accomplished the many awkward angles and uneven walls of the living room!

brian handily nails in some moulding above the bay window.

and the fun job of caulking. oh it's fun.
so much so that i appear to be flipping off the moulding.